The Matilda Bay Club Forum

On the derivation of the Rasch model for ordered polytomous responses
The derivation of the polytomous Rasch model was one of the major breakthroughs in Rasch measurement. It has opened an unprecedented potential to apply Rasch Measurement and its underpinning principles (summarised as the Rasch Measurement Theory) to a widely used form of data in the social/human sciences.

Despite a series of publications, the meaning of the threshold parameters and their order is still a matter of an ongoing debate. In the following, a series of essays shall explicate the role and function of threshold parameters in the model and their values estimated from data.


Suggested reference style:
Surname, I.(nitials) (Year, Month Date Published). Title. Retrieved from URL ... on ...
For example:
Andrich, D. (2018, October), Rasch's incomplete form of the polytomous model. Retrieved from on October 25, 2018.